This Easy-Care Butterfly Garden Plan Will Attract Tons of Pollinators

The stained-glass patterns of butterfly wings will add an extra dimension to this colorful butterfly garden plan, which bursts with easy-to-grow perennial and annual flowers that are irresistible to these fascinating insects. A variety of blossoms offers nectar to adult butterflies, while leafy food sources, such as parsley, nourish the larvae. The plan also includes a few decorative rocks among the plants to provide convenient perches for your winged visitors to sun themselves, and a simple birdbath for water.
Butterflies are sun-loving creatures, as are the plants in this garden design, so be sure to site your planting bed where it will receive six or more hours of direct sun daily.
Plants for Butterfly Garden Plans
This mix of perennial and annual plants will have something in bloom for most of the growing season, offering a long-lasting butterfly buffet.
- 2 Butterfly weed (Asclepias tuberosa): Zones 4-9
- 3 Aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae 'Purple Dome'): Zones 4-8
- 1 Butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii 'Nanho Purple'): Zones 5-9
- 3 Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea 'Bright Star'): Zones 3-9
- 4 Spike gayfeather (Liatris spicata 'Floristan Violet'): Zones 3-9
- 3 Bee balm (Monarda didyma 'Petite Delight'): Zones 3-9
- 6 Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia fulgida 'Goldsturm'): Zones 3-8
- 2 Stonecrop (Sedum 'Matrona'): Zones 3-9
- 2 Goldenrod (Solidago sphacelata 'Golden Fleece'): Zones 3-10
- 2 Blue fescue (Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue'): Zones 4-8
- 12 Sweet alyssum (Lobularia maritima): annual
- 6 Parsley (Petroselinum crispum): annual
- 24 Dwarf zinnia (Zinnia elegans, any dwarf variety): annual
If you aren't able to find the exact cultivars listed above, substitute others in similar colors, shapes, and sizes.
In certain climates some plants can become overly aggressive and spread out of control, so before planting, always check which species are considered invasive in your area. For example, a butterfly bush can become problematic in some parts of the country, so you may want to plant a similarly sized bluebeard, which also has purplish flowers that draw pollinators.
Get the Free Butterfly Garden Plan
The plan for this garden design includes an illustrated version of the planted garden, a detailed layout diagram, a list of plants for the garden as shown, and complete instructions for installing.